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Wireless Spectrum

The LA Timeshas an editorial on the FCC’s forthcoming spectrum auction : The FCC’s goal for the auction should be to...


Pay Day

CircuitCity is Part of a Wider Trend…. Circuit City’s move to bump off its highest paid employees has generated a lot of feedback. From...


Million Dollar Laptop

I’m a little late coming to the $1million laptop that has popped up on the Web. Just in case you missed it, a U.K....


EMI Owes Me Big Time

Wherein I Toot My Own Horn. Greg Scoblete, Feb. 7: If the music industry were smart, they could do some clever price tiering. Music...


Update: I Want My MLB

Score one for cable subscribers: Major League Baseball announced that it had come to an agreement with In Demand to offer out-of-market games. Good...


Carville’s ’08 Predictions

In my career writing for business publications and web sites two subjects are never discussed: politics followed closely by religion. But the speakers at...


Memjet Cometh

Will a new inkjet technology revolutionize printing? The inkjet printer industry is starting to sound a bit like eighteenth century France with all its...


TWICE Is Flattered, But….

We all know the tried-and-true bromide that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” While I understand this intellectually, I don’t have to like...


An Ominous Retail Trend

News today of Tweeter closing 49 stores, two regional facilities and leaving five states within two to three months should not be a surprise...


I Want My MLB Update

Refusing to give up without a fight, In Demand said it will offer to match DirecTV’s deal in order for the Major League Baseball...


Moore’s Law RIP?

Flash-memory makers are signaling the end of a venerable computing maxim. Is Moore’s Law toast? Reuters says maybe not for computer processors but possibly...


Prints at Retail (Just not CE)

Why don’t CE retailers push in-store printing? One of the interesting paradoxes of the digital imaging marketplace is the fact that consumer electronics stores...


Move Over JPEG?

Microsoft has positioned its own standard as a replacement. We try not to get too deep into the weeds when it comes to standards...


Fighting The Big Boxes

This is a letter sent to TWICE by Debi Holland about her store’s on-going battle with Best Buy. I felt compelled to write you...


CE: Not As Easy As It Looks

No one ever said it was easy making a buck in the consumer electronics industry. There were three reminders in the past couple of...


Cold Weather = Slow Shopping?

(This is a quick addendum to my previous weather-related post.) Big-box retailers blamed the cold weather for their poor February sales. Is there anything...


Direct Me, Please

There are few things more satisfying than buying something and being able to get it up and running without a major outburst of cussing,...


I Want My MLB

I gleefully blogged earlier this month about ordering satellite TV and giving my cable provider the old kiss-off — sadly, it was not meant...


Adobe’s Web of Distribution

Adobe plans to embed some of its video editing software on popular digital media Web-sites, starting with Photobucket, in the hopes of driving more...


Pogue’s Megapixel Madness

The New York Times’ David Pogue has a fairly good takedown of the “megapixel myth” but I think he conveys a not altogether accurate...


Watching Where You Walk

A moment of peace and solitude is hard to find in New York City and if N.Y. State Senator Carl Kruger has his way,...


CE Is ‘Ubiquitous’ On Web Today

Three stories popped up today concerning CE proving how “ubiquitous” the industry’s products have become in everyday life. Here they are: Jobs Favors Free...


Jobs Loves Unprotected Music

Steve Jobs thinks the music industry should do whatever it takes to make Apple money. I mean, he thinks they should abandon copy protection....


Smart People On Copyrights

Two recent interesting takes on the stickiness of copyrights in the digital age: First, outlining the potential mother of all copyright cases, Jeffrey Toobin...


Satellite TV vs. Cable

I don’t consider myself a spiteful person, but when it comes to my cable TV provider, all bets are off. After nearly three years...


Fujifilm Lowers Prices

Fujifilm shaved $100 off the suggested retails of the FinePix S9100 and FinePix S6000fd digital cameras. The models drop to a suggested $499 and...



Vista has been on the street for just over 72 hours and the world appears remarkably similar to how it was on Jan. 29,...

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