Amherst, N.Y. – Stampede, the video display distributor, has named Elizabeth Clune marketing VP.
Clune joins Stampede from a business development and marketing consultancy she founded in 2009. Before that she served as business development and marketing director for Installs, which provides customer support services for such clients as Best Buy, Costco, Dell, hhgregg, Sony and Systemax.
At Stampede she joins an expanded senior executive marketing team led by products and marketing senior VP Jeff Willis.
In a statement, Stampede president/COO Kevin Kelly said, “Beth brings to Stampede more than 20 years of experience in helping technology manufacturers and resellers develop strategic, high ROI-generating go-to-market business development programs. Her background in telecommunications, consumer electronics and professional services is going to immediately impact the effectiveness of our business development and marketing programs. At the same time, she is going to add a new level of depth and leadership to our existing marketing team.”
Stampede is a leading distributor of presentation equipment including LCD/DLP projectors and flat panel displays. Its annual “Big Book of AV,” an 816-page catalog and companion website provide hundreds of sales, installation and spec tips for Stampede’s dealers, in addition to product details on more than 5,000 SKUs. For more information, visit