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Sony Reports PS2 Unit Sales Reach 3M

FOSTER CITY, CALIF . – Sony Computer Entertainment reported North American shipments of PlayStation 2 hit the 3-million-unit mark at the end of March.

The company said the achievement met the original North American target for the end of the fiscal year. This came despite the fact that component shortages forced Sony to cut its initial shipments in half to 500,000 units when PS2 was launched October 26.

At the end of calendar 2000, Sony said it had shipped 1.4 million PS2 systems to North America. Cumulative worldwide shipments of PS2 now total 10 million units, the company said. The platform originally launched in Japan on March 4, 2000. It took the original Playstation console three years to reach the 10 million-unit mark.

Sony said it expects to almost double PlayStation 2 shipments during fiscal year 2002, beginning April 1, 2001, with a projected worldwide target of 20 million units. Monthly production capacity of PS2 devices will increase from 1.5 million in the spring to 2 million units in the fall.

