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Sony Reports Strong Early Holiday Sales For PlayStation Franchise

Foster City, Calif. – Sony
Computer Entertainment
reported strong sales for its PlayStation franchise
of video game players and games over the Black Friday sales period, “with all
key retailers showing a significant increase for PS3, PSP and key holiday
titles,” according to a company spokesman.

Sony said demand for the recently re-priced PlayStation3 system reached
record levels “with the system selling more than 440,000
units for the week ending Nov. 29, 2009.”

Sony credited much of its success to “exclusive holiday bundles and an extensive software lineup,” including such hot sellers as “Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time,Uncharted 2:Among Thieves”and“LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year.”

“We have no doubt the momentum and demand will
continue and consumers will prove that entertainment this holiday season is going
to be defined by PlayStation,” said
Patrick Seybold, SCE spokesman.

