Las Vegas – Onkyo
is going retro, expanding its selection of stereo component separates with
three models whose styling is reminiscent of the brand’s 1980s models but whose
technology is from the 21
The three
components are the $1,699-suggested P-3000R pre-amplifier, $2,499 M-5000R power
amplifier, and $1,499 C-7000R CD player. All will be available this month
through select dealers.
All of the
separates feature new Dynamic Intermodulation Distortion Reduction Circuitry
(DIDRC) to prevent high-frequency interference above 100kHz, which is beyond
the range of human hearing but which are susceptible to clock pulses and other types
of distortion that can generate “beat interference,” which “affects the
character or atmosphere of the original sound,” the company said. DIDRC is
incorporated into the amplification circuitry of the three hi-fi components.
To further
reduce interference, the products feature separate digital and analog circuits.
Other features include such audiophile-grade
parts as massive toroidal transformers. A new circuit board construction and
separate chassis panels are designed to eliminate unwanted vibrations.
The P-3000R
pre-amp accepts analog sources as well as digital sources via AES/EBU digital
connectors and a USB input. A high-quality 32-bit Burr-Brown DAC is used for
each channel and the component can be bi-amped.
The M-5000R amp
offers large front-panel analog power and high-current capabilities. AWRAT
amplification design consists of DIDRC technology along with a low NFB design,
closed ground-loop circuits, and high instantaneous-current capability.
It’s rated at 2×80 watts into 8 ohms using FTC
standards, but it can also drive demanding complex-impedance loudspeakers to
high levels with a dynamic power rating of more than 450 watts into 1 ohm, the
company said. Power efficiency is
enhanced via a three-stage inverted Darlington circuitry and a new quad push-pull
amplification design that uses two extra transistors for each channel. An XLR
input opens makes it possible to double power output via a BTL (bridged
transless) set-up.
The C-7000R CD
player uses a thermally regulated clock with crystal oscillator to reduce
potential interference. Also to reduce potential interference, the player can
be operated in analog-only or digital-only mode, with analog and digital
circuitry physically separated.
The C-7000R also
features a silent disc mechanism, die-cast aluminum tray, and AES/EBU digital