PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. -Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital/DTS receivers accounted for a majority of unit receiver sales at retail for the first time in 2000, NPD Intelect Market Tracking found. But sales of stereo and Dolby Pro Logic models nonetheless accounted for an impressive 34 percent of units in the third quarter.
During the third and fourth quarters of 1999, combined sales of Dolby Digital and DD/DTS models accounted for 46.2 percent and 49.1 percent of unit receiver sales, respectively, but their combined share topped the 50 percent mark for the first time in Q1 2000. They continued to capture a majority of sales through the following two quarters.
Models incorporating both Dolby Digital and DTS accounted for 54.7 percent of models sold and an even higher 75.1 percent of dollar receiver volume in the third quarter of 2000, NPD said. Dolby Digital-only receivers accounted for another 11.2 percent of units and 8.1 percent of dollars, while Dolby Pro Logic models accounted for 11.7 percent of units and 5.6 percent of dollars.
The number of stereo models sold almost equaled the number of Dolby Digital and Pro Logic models at 22.4 percent. Stereo models accounted for only 11.2 percent of receiver dollar volume.
On average, receivers featuring both digital surround formats retailed for $459, while Dolby Digital models sold for an average $242. Pro Logic and stereo models averaged $161 and $167, respectively.
NPD’s results are based on actual consumer transactions at more than 13,000 retail outlets, including appliance and electronics stores, office and computer superstores, mass merchants, mail-order companies and department stores. Respondents include click & mortar retailers but not pure Internet retailers. n