The Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association (CEDIA) continues to grow its membership, global presence, program development and industry contributions.
Over the years, membership has continued to grow at an increasingly fast rate. In fact, the number of CEDIA member companies recently passed the 2,000 mark. Even more interesting is the fact that these members represent approximately 50 countries around the world.
This continued expansion could be traced directly to the ever-widening appeal of custom designed and installed electronic systems. The association office is continuing to receive inquiries about the industry and the association on a regular basis.
As a dealer/installer-driven association, CEDIA has a unique advantage when it comes to serving the needs of the industry. All programs and efforts are targeted to the point of the industry where the rubber meets the road, i.e. where the end user receives service: The dealer.
As a result of this hands-on approach to the creation and management of the association, the programs and services being offered are specifically designed to grow the industry through the continued development of the dealer base.
In fact, this focus has CEDIA working to re-invent the education experience and development process so that we are better able to respond to increasing market demand, while enhancing our capacity and flexibility in delivering information. As a dealer, this will mean more accessible and applicable education offerings to help you grow your business.
Another major undertaking has been to respond to the exploding global interest in custom installation. CEDIA is currently working through the process of modifying the organizational structure to better serve the interests of the global market. Members of a task force have been focused over the past few months on modifying the structure of the organization, revising the bylaws, and restructuring the board of directors and program delivery method.
The intent of this work has been to respond to an ever-increasing complexity in the delivery of services and programs, as well as working to enhance the communication and coordination efforts of the industry.
People will experience CEDIA as a much more globally synergistic, dynamic and bold organization in the coming months. Sure we have had that reputation over the course of our history, but we on the CEDIA board believe you have not seen anything yet compared to where we are going and how fast we hope to get there.
Since I am writing this before our trade show, CEDIA Expo, takes place, there is little to report relative to the event, except that the initial response to class offerings, special programs and show notices has been overwhelming. Three weeks prior to Expo we had already exceeded the number of classes subscribed previously to, and are certain to have a more successful education event than ever.
As you peruse this issue of TWICE, you will likely read of other Expo results, but we are pleased that things are stacking up the way they are to date. We can only hold on and enjoy the trip from here on out.
Other efforts have resulted in a huge facelift for the Home of Electronic LifestylesTM, and an update in its technology; an expanded CEDIA Boot Camp training schedule, which successfully prepared new installers for the industry; plus regional CEDIA events that were more successful and well-attended than ever before.
This coming year, you will see some changes in the regional event format. You will also find CEDIA play a prominent role at the CES show in Las Vegas. Watch for news and surprises from CEDIA in the coming months, much of which you will be able to read about in a regularly appearing CEDIA column right here in TWICE that is focused on keeping you abreast of the custom industry. We promise to try to keep the news brief, interesting, and helpful.