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Everything You Need To Know About Smart Speakers & How Consumers Use Them

A handy compendium of smart speaker and shop-by-voice stats

With voice-assistant usage spreading to 40 percent of the population within the next three years, and 47 million American already in possession of a smart speaker, Sumo Heavy, a boutique digital consultancy, figured it was high time to get this down in writing.

Culling the latest data from the likes of Juniper Research, Strategy Analytics, Accenture, Capgemini and others, the company created an infographic compendium of the state of smart speakers and shopping by voice.

See: Digital Assistants Shake Up Wi-Fi Speaker Market

Among the eye openers: 42 percent of consumers said smart speakers are essential to their daily lives and 65 percent wouldn’t go back to life without one, with most (52 percent) citing the convenience of the devices, while 48 percent like the ability to accomplish tasks hands-free.

Chief among those tasks is playing music (48 percent), although 45 percent of consumers also use smart speakers to ask general questions; 38 percent employ them for weather updates; and 35 percent have used them to shop via voice.

Among the latter, groceries is the category most purchased by voice (20 percent), followed by CE (17 percent) and clothing (8 percent).

See: Consumers Embracing Shop-By-Voice

Given their utility, it’s no surprise that 55 percent of U.S. homes are projected to have a smart speaker by 2022. And if current usage patterns hold true, 50 percent of them will be placed in living rooms, 21 percent in kitchens, and 19 percent will wind up in bedrooms.

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