AT&T launched what it called the first cellphone powered by off-the-shelf AA batteries.
The 3G SpareOne Emergency Phone, available with AT&T’s GoPhone prepaid service, is targeted for occasional emergency use. The bar-style GPS-equipped 3G phone features an emergency button that activates a Locate & Alert service provided by Monitorlinc, which alerts up to nine people that a user wants to notify in an emergency. People will receive a call, email or text message with the user’s location. The device lacks text-messaging service.
The $59.99 phone also incorporates flashlight, glow-in-the-dark keypad, and a panic siren.
AT&T positioned it as a holiday gift for outdoor enthusiasts, travelers and grandparents, for use at home, or for use as part of a vehicle’s emergency kit.
SpareOne will be available Nov. 6 at AT&T Stores and AT&T’s website at $59.99 with an annual $25 service plan, which includes 120 minutes of talk time and the Locate and Alert service.
Users can also set the phone to dial key contacts automatically via nine speed-dial locations. The phone can also be used to dial 911.