Reston, Va. — More people are using Apple and LG smartphones, ComScore said, while Samsung, Motorola and HTC weren’t so lucky during the June-ending quarter vs. the year-ago quarter.
Android’s share of the U.S. smartphone subscriber base also slipped slightly in the quarter vs. the year-ago period.
The research company also found that the Facebook app appears on more smartphones than any other app.
All told, 190.3 million people in the U.S. use a smartphone, up from the year-ago 173 million. This represents 76.7 percent of all cellphone users in the country, up from the year-ago 71.6 percent.
In researching app useage, comScore found that Facebook is on 71.8 percent of smartphones used by U.S. consumers ages 13 and up, followed by YouTube at 56.3 percent. The other apps in the top 15 are, in order, Facebook Messenger, Google Search, GooglePlay, Google Maps, Pandora Radio, Gmail, Instagram, Yahoo Stocks, Apple Maps, iTunes Radio/iCloud, Amazon Mobile, Twitter, and Snapchat.