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Exchange’s Leigh Roop Named to Diversity Journal’s ‘Women Worth Watching’ for 2015

Army & Air Force Exchange Service Public Affairs

NEWS RELEASE: 14-078                                         Oct. 27, 2014


Exchange’s Leigh Roop Named to Diversity Journal’s ‘Women Worth Watching’ for 2015

DALLAS – Leigh Roop, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service’s Executive VP and Chief Human Resources Officer, is one of 160 executive trailblazers named to the Profiles in Diversity Journal’s 13th annual “Women Worth Watching” for 2015.

Nominated by their employers for their passion, potential and positive influence both inside and outside the workplace, the winners represent corporations, government agencies and nonprofits from across North America and Europe.

“In her 25 years with the Exchange, Leigh has served in many different roles in places all around the world,” said the Exchange’s President and COO Mike Howard. “Her diverse experiences and passion for serving Soldiers and Airmen have enabled her to become an extremely effective leader and very deserving of this recognition.”

The “Women Worth Watching” profile is in the September/October 2014 Profiles in Diversity Journal issue.

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The Army & Air Force Exchange Service goes where Soldiers, Airmen and their families go to improve the quality of their lives through goods and services provided. Exchange earnings provide dividends to support military morale, welfare and recreation programs. The Exchange is part of the Department of Defense and is directed by a Board of Directors, responsible to the Secretaries of the Army and Air Force through the Chiefs of Staff.  To find out more about the Exchange history and mission or to view recent press releases please visit our Web site at


Media Notes:

For more information or to schedule an interview with an Exchange representative please contact Chris Ward, 214-312-2714 or

