How important will tablet PCs be this
year in driving consumers to stores and increasing
Tom Roper, SED International:
They will be
hot, hot, hot! Stores that are in the small-electronics
business and sell cellphones and/or computers will
have major traffic on this product category. They will
be popular as graduation, Father’s Day and Mother’s
Day gifts, and folks looking for an inexpensive
Internet device.
Warren Chaiken, Almo:
Sales of Tablet PCs
will definitely drive storefront visits and drive a lot
of sales volume this year. However, with the exceptional
level of competition, tablets will be another
low-margin product line. Retailers will need to focus
on accessory sales to increase their margin per
sale numbers.
Fred Towns, New Age Electronics:
Tablets are
the “it” product this year, and it is very important
for retailers to have a variety to offer their customers.
Retailers need to make sure that their customers
don’t have misconceptions on what experiences
they can have using tablets. They are very cool and
great for surfing the web, emailing and sharing content.
However, they aren’t intended to be as featurerich
as PCs for use in business applications.
Jeff Davis, D&H Distributing:
Tablet PCs will
very important in driving traffic. We anticipate the
tablet space to become a very large and quick-starting
category. The devices we saw at CES were very
compelling, showing that a diverse group of products
and operating systems are definitely on the horizon.
And as with the launch of the iPod and digital
media players, tablets will generate a universe of accessories
to help boost sales.
Dennis Holzer, Powerhouse Alliance:
Tablets will be very important
and will bring consumers into stores
both for education on their capabilities
and purchase. Because of their
size, performance and portability,
consumers are opting for tablets in
lieu of laptops and notebooks.
Laptops will continue to be purchased
for home use, but tablets and
accessories will be the fastest-growing
segment and draw in electronics
this year. In addition, because of their
draw, we look for sales in related electronic
categories to also increase.
Michael Flink, ADI North America:
Tablet PCs are going to be huge
this year. Users want the latest technology,
and tablet PCs offer mobility,
advanced functionality, a compact
and convertible design, and more.
Google’s Android platform has helped
this market grow rapidly, and allowed
manufacturers to introduce a collection
of new tablet PCs. As the market continues
to get crowded, it provides more
choices and price levels for buyers. It is
also clear that tablet PCs will eventually
replace the expensive touchscreens
as home system controllers.
Jeff Kussard, Capitol:
If CES is any
indicator, 2011 will be the year of the
tablet. This is good news for those of us
who are anxious to see a real uptick in
CE sales. Consumers are going to be
wowed by all the new and exciting products
from all three relevant platforms.