Atlanta – Protect Your Bubble USA (PYB), the direct-to-consumer unit of extended-service provider Assurant Solutions, has introduced an all-in-one protection plan that can cover all CE and appliances within a household.
The program provides customers with a single account, policy and bill, and a sliding scale of monthly charges, for all their CE and majaps. The cost starts at $5.99 for each individual mobile phone, tablet or PC, and drops $1 for each successive device, down to $3.99 per product.
TV coverage is available from between $5.99 and $9.99, and majaps carry a flat protection monthly protection fee of $3.99.
The plan carries a $49 deductible for smartphones, tablets, laptops, PCs and TVs, but none for majaps.
Coverage can also extend to headphones, speakers and gaming systems as well as wireless wearables like Google Glass, smartwatches and fitness bands, and eligible categories will be added regularly as new products are introduced, PYB said.
Devices are covered against mechanical breakdowns, accidental damage (including spills, drops and cracked screens), as well as damage caused by power surges or lightning strikes, and claims can be filed online or over the phone. Customers will receive a replacement device or reimbursement to purchase a new one, with a turnaround time of one or two business days for a smartphone and as few as five days for a PC repair, PYB said.
Plans are available for devices within three years of purchase, and devices are eligible for coverage until they are three years old.
“Today, the average household contains more than five electronic devices, and we all depend on our devices more than ever,” said Stacey Vogler, managing director of Protect Your Bubble USA. “Our research shows that people want coverage for the devices they can’t live without, but they find the store policy options confusing because they buy devices from different brands at different times. We make multi-device coverage simple and affordable with one plan.”
Vogler added that designing a policy around the consumer instead of centering coverage on the device helps build relationships with customers. “This customer-centered approach will become even more important as the Internet of Things evolves and more customers integrate technology from multiple brands into their lives and homes,” she said.