Tough one, but if you picked Walmart you’d be right.
According to Checkout Tracking, a data service from NPD Group, fully 95 percent of Americans who bought anything anywhere over the past 12 months did so, at some point, from Walmart.
That compares to 88 percent of consumers who visited McDonald’s.
Checkout Tracking comes to those conclusions by analyzing actual receipt data and breaking down purchases by age, income and gender, and across retailers (online and brick-and-mortar), baskets and share of wallet.
But the bigger news, they feel, is how effectively the two major home improvement chains — The Home Depot and Lowe’s — have woven themselves into American life. The data show that 67 percent of citizens bought something at Home Depot over the trailing 12 months, and 59 percent made a purchase a Lowe’s, both well above their retail competitors, the researchers said.