Web hosting company Hostinger has released the results of a recent study which examined the size of digital investments of U.S. states. The study, which looked at data from 31 states, took into account key metrics such as digital economic impact, overall venture capital investment, digital sector venture capital, the number of government tech hubs, and the presence of business incubators. Hostinger says that the following rankings of the top ten states are based on a composite score that reflects each state’s overall investment and capacity for digital innovation.

California leads the raking of the top U.S. states investing the most in digital innovations, driven by a digital economic impact of $492.80 billion and the highest overall venture capital funding of $70.9 billion. California has five business incubators that serve as critical infrastructure for innovation and digital growth.
New York ranks second, benefiting from the overall venture capital investment of $15.6 billion and a digital economic impact of $123.40 billion. Its composite score of 97 and second-highest number of digital sector venture capital (12 billion) reflect the state’s strong commitment to leading the digital landscape.
Washington ranks third in digital innovation with a composite score of 94. With a digital economic impact of $103.50 billion and $3.4 billion in overall venture capital funding, it shows a succeeding digital ecosystem. The state features two government tech hubs and two business incubators.
Illinois, in fourth place, is working to enhance its tech ecosystem through its three business incubators and accelerators. The state has a digital economic impact of $55.50 billion and has attracted $2.2 billion in overall venture capital funding. These metrics contribute to Illinois’ composite score of 91.
Massachusetts ranked fifth, with $14.4 billion in overall venture capital and grants, the third highest among U.S. states. The state also reports a digital economic impact of $91.60 billion. These factors indicate Massachusetts’ focus on supporting the advancement of the digital sector.
Missouri, in sixth place, has a digital economic impact of $21.70 billion. The state has secured $937 million in venture capital and grants overall, indicating a growing investment landscape for technology initiatives.
Wisconsin, seventh on the list, has a composite score of 82, supported by its two government tech hubs and two business incubators. The state reports a digital economic impact of $21.40 billion and $346 million in overall venture capital and grants.
Texas, ranked eighth, features the second-highest digital economic impact, $141.70 billion, among U.S. states with the largest investments in digital innovation. The state is home to three business incubators that contribute to its entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Florida is ranked ninth, with a composite score of 76. The state reports a digital economic impact of $73.80 billion and has digital sector venture capital and grants amounting to $2.156 billion, underscoring its commitment to a digital future.
Colorado completes the list of top U.S. states making the biggest investments in digital transformation, with $4.3 billion in overall venture capital and grants and $3.311 billion allocated specifically to the digital sector. Colorado is home to three business incubators and one government tech hub.
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