Delray Beach, Fla. — The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) named Office Depot to the organizations annual listing of America’s Top Corporations for Women’s Business Enterprises.
This is the seventh consecutive year the retailer has made this list which is said to honor corporations for “world-class supplier-diversity programs.” This year 16 corporations made the list.
“Office Depot is a leader in its commitment to women in business and in its ability to consistently break down barriers that impede women’s business enterprises from gaining fair access to procurement opportunities,” said WBENC president Linda Denny.
According to a release, Office Depot was recognized for its company-wide programs and initiatives that provide women’s business enterprises equal access to corporate contracts for goods and service. In particular, its supplier and vendor diversity program drew WBENC’s attention because it is said to have helped “hundreds of women-owned businesses achieve success by mentoring them, purchasing their products and services, using these products and services in Office Depot’s own operations and reselling them to Office Depot customers” for the past 13 years.
Office Depot has been a corporate member of WBENC since 2000. Since that time it has participated in numerous WBENC networking events and provided support for WBENC initiatives. It also plays an active role as a member of WBENC’s Board of Directors.
Office Depot will officially receive this year’s award at the WBENC America’s Top Corporations for Women’s Business Enterprises Breakfast and Awards presentation on Friday, March 21, in Washington.