Richardson, Texas – A leading watch maker, Fossil here is debuting two watches to which Palm and PocketPC users can download information via an infrared port.
Called the Wrist PDA and Wrist PDA/PC, the watches will be on display at Comdex next week at the Palm booth. They target the 17.5 million handheld users world wide, and allow easy access to contacts, appointments and to do items, said the company.
The Wrist PDA and PDA/PC use an 8-bit Epson CPU and an IR send/receive module with a communication speed of 57Kpbs. They can store up to 190KB of data including 1,100 contacts, 800 appointments, 5,000 to do items and 350 memos. Information is accessed through drop down menus which appear on the watch screen and users navigate via a four-direction button on the watch. Users can also receive up to 20 business cards beamed from handhelds or other Wrist PDA watches.
The Wrist PDA is compatible with Palm based handhelds including the Palm III series, V series, VII series, m100 and m500 series as well as the Handspring Visor, Edge and Sony CLIE models. The Wrist PDA/PC supports the PocketPC OS for Compaq iPaq, Casio Cassiopeia and HP Jornada models. The Wrist PDA and PDA/PC are expected to be available in early 2002 in stores and at the Fossil website at a suggested retail price of $145.