If Best Buy is carrying
a category, it must be a trend, right?
A week before Christmas Best Buy announced
the rollout of health and fitness
products at 600 Best Buy stores across
the country and online at
“With a renewed focus on personal
health growing nationwide, especially
among busy individuals trying to establish
a consistent fitness routine, Best
Buy’s offerings enable consumers to
connect technology with wellness and
with others who share their fitness goals.
Available products include personal gear
related to running, walking, swimming
and yoga as well as other fitness accessories,”
the chain said.
Best Buy’s national expansion follows
a successful pilot program launched a
year ago, during which the company tested
a broad selection of health and fitness
gear in 40 stores in select markets, the
retailer said.
Chris Koller, portable electronics solutions
group VP at Best Buy, said, “We
clearly tapped into a desire for Best Buy
to provide the latest and greatest technology
to enhance health regimens, and
to help people discover how they can integrate
these devices with other personal
technology to monitor and share their
progress, and to stay motivated.”
A 30-foot-long in-store health and fitness
presentation area enables consumers
to sample many of these devices
before they buy. On display are state-ofthe-
art heart rate monitoring watches, pedometers,
special MP3 players, ear buds,
headphones, yoga mats, scales, bloodpressure
monitors and other products.