Viladecavalls (Barcelona, Spain), August 31, 2015.- Kazuhiro Tsuga , president of Panasonic Corporation, accompanied by the president of Ficosa, José Maria Pujol, and the CEO, Javier Pujol, have formalized the capital and business alliance, signed on June 30th this year, with a visit that took place this morning at Ficosa facilities in Viladecavalls (Barcelona).
During the day, the delegations have made a wide visit to the Ficosa facilities in Viladecavalls to meet, on field, projects as a result of the partnership initiated and have also held several meetings. The celebration ended with a brief ceremony of planting a young tree in the gardens of the Viladecavalls as a symbol of the birth of this alliance.
Ficosa International, S.A. and Panasonic Corporation announced their agreement on a capital and business alliance on September 30th, 2014 and have completed investment in Ficosa and transfer of shares from Ficosa on June 30th, 2015. Panasonic has taken a
49% stake in Ficosa, and will delegate four directors as Ficosa’s members of the board for participating in its management this time.
Ficosa is one of the top-tier global providers dedicated to research, development, production and sales of safety, communication and efficiency systems for the automotive industry. Through this capital and business alliance, Ficosa and Panasonic will accelerate the fusion and further evolution of the ‘Comfort’ and ‘Safety’ areas which is indispensable for the next generation cockpit systems, an area that shows great potential for growth.
As a result of a synergy of the alliance, both companies will facilitate the quick launch of electronic mirror systems business, they will also expand a business alliance in the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) area in the future and connected infotainment systems through the In-vehicle telematics unit.