DSI Systems, the nation’s largest CE and Satellite distributor for the independent retail
channel rolls out a FREE software management tool to DIRECTV and Exede dealers at
DIRECTV Revolution.
SARA (Sales and Reporting Application) is simply the best way to enter orders and
run reports, in one place for both DIRECTV and Exede. No other tool combines both
platforms, so easily, and so accessibly in one World Class platform.
DSI dealers will also be able to take advantage of other features such as:
· Fully customizable, real-time connected, user-friendly, DIRECTV and Exede
order entry pages
· Up-to-the-minute, searchable sales and activation dashboards for:
o Sales
o Installs
o ARS %
o ABP%
o Low and Med Risk %
o Company-wide, supervisor-level, and granular salesperson data available
· Results filterable by sales tactic
· Secure environment with individual sales person login – no need to share ownerlevel
ID’s and Passwords
· Customizable report manager – you tell SARA which report you want and how
often to send it, all automatically
· After-sales contact tracking for easy follow up pre and post-install
· Commissions and payment reconciliation
· Simple user administration for business owners and managers
Enhancements are scheduled in Q4 which will include installation scheduling and data
entry and hardware inventory management through electronic tracking.
“DSI is dedicated to helping our dealers grow and manage their business and SARA is
the tool that will bring our dealers to the next level. We are excited to offer this software
management tool at no cost to our dealers and what better place to launch then at
Revolution.” –Doug Robison, President and CEO of DSI Systems
About DSI Systems
DSI Systems, the largest national distributor of 4K, HDTV and Home Theater TVs,
satellite equipment, accessories, appliances, bedding and furniture. DSI is dedicated to
efficient customer service, strong product lines, one to two days shipping and dealer
programs to assist retailers with their promotional and floor plans. To begin a working
relationship with DSI’s dedicated team, retailers are invited to call (800)888-8876 or visit
DSI on the web at www.dsisystemsinc.com.