ickering, Ontario, July 21, 2015 – Bluesound, the first wireless digital multi-room system to fully support hires
audio, is proud to announce that iHeartRadio, iHeartMedia’s industry-leading digital music and live
streaming radio service, will be available on the Bluesound ecosystem across the United States. iHeartRadio
delivers everything music lovers want in a free all-in-one platform: instant access to thousands of live radio
stations from across the United States, user-created Custom Stations inspired by an artist or song and
thousands of curated digital stations Perfect For any mood or occasion – now on Bluesound Players.
“We are committed to being available everywhere our listeners are with the products and services they
expect,” said Michele Laven, President of Business Development and Partnerships at iHeartMedia. “The
Bluesound wireless music platform offers superb sound quality and is a perfect fit for iHeartRadio – we are
excited to reach even more music lovers with this new integration.”
This latest addition to Bluesound’s wireless music platform makes it easy for listeners to tune in to live radio
broadcasts from all over the U.S. and enjoy their favorite custom music stations throughout the home. With
easy access to the world’s most popular music, the iHeartRadio library includes millions of songs and
thousands of live radio stations from coast-to-coast. The Bluesound Controller App for iOS, Android, Kindle
Fire and Mac & PC desktops makes it easy to discover new music or create custom commercial-free stations
across all genres of music including alternative, country, dance, jazz, pop and more.
“We are thrilled about this new integration with iHeartRadio, which gives Bluesound users more ways to
customize their music,” said John Banks, Chief Brand Officer of Bluesound. “At Bluesound we’re committed to
offering the best possible multi-room music experience through partnerships with high-quality streaming
services, and we believe that iHeartRadio will be a big hit with our customers in the U.S.”
iHeartRadio features include:
• Quick 24/7 access to live radio and custom-curated stations from anywhere in the home.
• A wide variety of music from different music genres including pop, country, urban, rock and more.
• Browse stations by genre and location, or scan from station to station for enhanced music discovery.
• Create your own commercial-free, uninterrupted, custom stations with iHeartRadio’s catalog of more
than 20 million songs and 800,000 artists.
Bluesound users will be able to listen to iHeartRadio with the latest BluOS upgrade available today. Download
the Bluesound Controller Apps and the latest BluOS firmware at http://www.bluesound.com/downloads.
About iHeartRadio
With 245 million monthly listeners in the U.S., 87 million monthly digital uniques, over 75 million social
followers and 196 million monthly consumers of its Total Traffic and Weather Network, iHeartMedia has the
largest reach of any radio or television outlet in America. It serves over 150 markets through 859 owned radio
stations, and the company’s radio stations and content can be heard on AM/FM, HD digital radio, satellite
radio, on the Internet at iHeartRadio.com and on the company’s radio station websites, on the iHeartRadio
mobile app, in enhanced auto dashes, on tablets and smartphones, and on gaming consoles.
iHeartRadio, iHeartMedia’s digital radio platform, is the No. 1 all-in-one digital audio service with over 600
million downloads; it reached its first 20 million registered users faster than any digital service in Internet
history and reached 70 million users faster than any digital music service and even faster than Facebook. The
company’s operations include radio broadcasting, online, mobile, digital and social media, live concerts and
events, syndication, music research services and independent media representation. Visit iHeartMedia.com for
more company information.
About Bluesound
An alliance of audiophiles. We are the designers, engineers and passionate music lovers who have spent our
lives in the music industry. Our founders pioneered HiFi in the 70s – innovation and the pursuit of perfection in
audio runs deep in our collective DNA. Bluesound’s sole mission is to create innovative wireless digital audio
products and technologies that allow for the most true-to-life music experience possible. It is the first wireless
digital multi-room system to fully support High Res Audio with an extraordinary audiophile-grade feature-set
that all music lovers will appreciate.
Bluesound is not just another computer company. Bluesound is all about sound.
For more information visit:
Website: www.bluesound.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bluesound.hifi
Twitter: www.twitter.com/bluesoundhifi