Azione Unlimited (AU), the education and buying group for smart integrators, is pleased to welcome Future Automation as our newest vendor member. Future Automation provides innovative mounting solutions to meet the ever growing demand of the custom AV market. The outstanding products they provide include: TV lifts, mounts, and drops, as well as air flow control for AV installations.
Ollie French, Director of Future Automation, confirmed the partnership with Azione Unlimited “as another forward step in extending our brand and reach to the top Custom Integrators across the country with a superb partner that has a reputation for excellence and focus exclusively within the CI channel.”
Richard Glikes commented, “Future Automation is solutions provider with engineering expertise second to none. Ollie is bright, incisive, and driven. We continue to surround ourselves with exceptional entrepreneurs with fabulous products. Next week we will announce another vendor member with products that integrators love.”
About Azione Unlimited
Azione Unlimited (AU) is the buying and educational group for integrators and custom retailers. Our goals are to deliver exceptional profits to all dealer and vendor members to ensure long-term success, create a cohesive national network of leading edge entrepreneurs, and provide an ongoing dialogue and platforms on ideas, interaction, and execution excellence. Our focused vendor line-up ensures maximized profitability for both our dealer and vendor members.
Azione Unlimited’s motto is SHARE*TRUST*PROSPER. AU strives to educate its members in order to help them become more profitable. National member conferences, gatherings at CEDIA, and monthly webinars and give our members up-to-date information vital for continued growth and success.
Richard Glikes can be contacted at (610) 280-3840 and