Reshare Corporation has created an online technology in an attempt to mend the rifts between manufacturers and retailers that the company believes occur when manufacturers implement a direct-sell model on their Web sites, leaving retailers out of the process.
According to Reshare, its patented technology helps manufacturers to continue to sell their products through their own Web sites while keeping retailers involved. Essentially, Reshare acts as a third party that will allow consumers who visit manufacturer’s sites to select “preferred retailers” at the time of purchase so that they will have an experience similar to purchasing from a brick-and-mortar retailer. Customers can choose their retailer by searching geographically or by company name.
The order-fulfillment process can be determined by the manufactuer who will be able to choose between doing it themselves, using a third-party fulfillment company, or using existing distribution partners, Reshare said.
Under the program, retailers will benefit because they and any of their partners, such as distributors, will receive a check or credit from the manufacturer, the company said.
“We recommend that every brand owner share the same net profit with the retailer that they would have received from an offline sale,” said director of business development Michael Ross. “This assures that retailers are inspired to drive traffic to the brand Web site instead of selling the consumer a competitive brand.”
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