Nationwide Marketing Group provided the nitty-gritty facts behind its most recent PrimeTime member meeting and buy fair, held Feb. 10-13 in Las Vegas.
Among the highlights:
Attendees: 3,500+
Member companies: 900+
Nationwide Learning Academy educational sessions: 100+
Show floor: 240,000 square feet
Vendors: 185+

Members who joined NMG’s exclusive MP10 program: 300+
Units Whirlpool sold at the 90-minute Palooza buy fair: 25,000+
Mattresses purchased during show: 35,000+
New placements of NMG’s exclusive iLeather line: 75+
RWS signup increase as a result of new Digital Rewards program: 400%
Members who signed up for NMG’s new AT&T program: 150+
Members who signed up for Epic Protect, Powered by Centricity: 80+

Meals packed for No Child Hungry over course of PrimeTime: 185,000+
Meals delivered locally in Las Vegas: 70,000+
Mattresses purchased for No Child Hungry network: 1,100+
Members already signed up for NMG’s August PrimeTime in New Orleans: 300+