The LG Air Purifier PuriCare features an aesthetic that’s meant to complements virtually any room décor, and boasts a 360-degree design that drastically purifies the entire room, from wall to wall, so users can ensure a clean, healthy environment throughout the space. Once purified, the Clean Booster feature allows clean air to flow in several directions, as the levers can swing both left and right rather than in one stationary direction — directing clean air over a larger distance, faster. Additionally, with a Wi-Fi connection, users can remotely control the LG PuriCare 360 from their smartphones to clean their home’s air at any time. The Smart PM 1.0/2.5/10 sensor assesses the condition of the air, detects contaminants and fine particulates of 1.0? or below in a room, and sends results to the user’s smartphone. While fine dust particles are typically invisible to the naked eye, users can see the true air quality of their indoor environment by simply checking LG’s Smart PM 1.0 Indicator.