New media sources, including
cloud-based A/V streaming services, will
play a larger role in Russound’s future.
The company plans May shipment
of a DMS-3.1 Digital Media Streamer,
which integrates new-media sources
with more traditional types of multiroom-
audio systems. The company
also hired a product development VP
whose mission includes the addition
of cloud-based audio and video content
to the company’s line.
The company tapped Tom McCarthy,
formerly Niles VP of engineering
and product development, for the newly
created VP position. McCarthy, who
is responsible for long-term strategic
vision and day-to-day product-development
management, will “assist our team in expanding
our strategy of leveraging our technology
assets to fully embrace cloud-based content,
integrate with third-party subsystems, and ultimately
offer home automation and lighting control
products,” said CEO Charlie Porritt.
The company has already been moving in the
direction of leveraging cloud sources and other
new-media sources. The company’s Collage
multi-room-audio system, which uses powerline
technology to distribute audio over electrical
wiring, features amplified in-wall keypads with
integrated Internet radio tuner, integrated AM/
FM tuner, and ability to stream music from a networked
PC or network-attached storage (NAS)
In May, the company will follow up
with another new-media product, the
DMS-3.1 Digital Media Streamer. It integrates
with the company’s C-series
multi-room audio systems, incorporates
a traditional AM/FM RDS tuner,
and connects to a home network to
stream Internet radio programming
and stream music from a DLNA-certified
networked PC or NAS drive. In
addition, the Streamer features three
USB ports to distribute digital audio
files from connected storage devices.
The device supports playback of MP3,
WAV, OGG Vorbis, FLAC, AAC and AAC+ files.
The DMS-3.1 distributes up to three separate
audio streams simultaneously from the digital
new-media sources while also simultaneously
streaming content from the embedded analog
AM/FM tuner. The one-rack-size 17-inch by 8.5-
inch by 1.7-inch device features rear-panel stereo
audio output jacks for each of the three digital
sources as well as another pair for the AM/FM
Pricing hasn’t been determined.