LG Electronics on Tuesday unveiled at CES 2016 an ultra-premium Signature series of major appliances and OLED TVs aimed squarely at the luxury niche market.
The debut appliance line features a four-door fridge and laundry pair for U.S. retailers, and an air purifier and dual washer and heat-pump dryer for the international market. A Signature range and dishwasher are also planned.
The fridge features a glass panel over its outer door-in-door compartment that goes from dark to transparent with a rap of the knuckles, revealing its contents without opening the door and losing cold air. Other upscale elements include a foot-level sensor that automatically opens the fridge compartment; LG’s new black stainless finish; stainless steel-lined compartments; and on-board Wi-Fi that allows users to monitor functions like temperature.
Black stainless is also employed for the laundry pair, which includes a twin-wash washer, introduced at CES 2015, that provides a main 5.8-cubic-foot washer and a smaller, pedestal-sized unit that allows users to wash darks and lights (or delicates) separately but simultaneously.
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The offshore version combines washer and heat pump dryer function; features touch-screen controls embedded in the glass door; a 14.6-inch opening for easy loading and unloading; an auto-dosing system that automatically doles out detergent; and smart functionality that alerts users when detergent supply is low.
The air purifier removes particles as small as 1 micrometer and features a “semi-permanent” filter than can be cleaned and reused for 10 years.
At a press preview, LG Electronics president/CTO Skott Ahn said the Signature series provides a “new opportunity to challenge players in the ultra-premium market,” while head appliance designer Torsten Valeur, president of David Lewis Designers, said the goal was “to make a very advanced product appear more intuitive” through clear, minimalistic design.
No pricing, ship dates or distribution strategy was shared, aside from availability in “key target markets” in North America, Europe and Asia.
The company also launched a bevy of TVs and home entertainment products.