Klipsch Audio will host more than 125 devotees of its audio products at its Hope, Ark., facility in May.
The company, owned by Voxx Electronics, said Klipsch community forum members and fans of the brand will participate in an annual “pilgrimage” on May 20-21 to the facility where Paul W. Klipsch founded Klipsch in 1946, 70 years ago. Klipsch still maintains a manufacturing facility, warehouse and museum in Hope.
“Klipsch and its forum members have a relationship that most companies can only hope to achieve. It is based on mutual respect for high-quality speakers and preserving the high standards that Paul W. Klipsch started this company with 70 years ago in that small tin shed in Hope, Ark. The close friendships we have made with members on the forum and Klipsch employees became the driving force behind my interest in coordinating the annual pilgrimage this year. I hope that we can pass the emotion, respect and loyalty we have for Klipsch down to many generations to come,” said Christy Luquet, Klipsch forum moderator.
Klipsch employees in Hope will be treated to an appreciation lunch provided by forum members on Friday, May 20.
Klipsch fans will spend the remainder of their time touring the Klipsch plant, audio labs and museum, as well as getting demonstrations of new and existing Klipsch speakers.
Klipsch historian Jim Hunter and principal engineer Roy Delgado will be on hand for a question and answer session.
To honor its 70th anniversary, Klipsch has produced limited edition Klipschorn and Heresy Heritage series speakers. Special attention was paid to the details of each new speaker, as they feature design enhancements, exotic wood veneer finishes, special edition logos and unique grille cloths, the company said.
Special guest Colleen Murphy, founder of the vinyl enthusiast group Classic Album Sundays, will make her way from the U.K. to attend the event. Murphy will share the stories behind noteworthy albums and orchestrating in-depth listening sessions on hi-fi audio systems for fellow music enthusiasts.
“I’ve been a Klipsch enthusiast for over two decades,” said Murphy. “I’ve DJ’d in venues from London to New York City to Tokyo on dance floors surrounded by multiple Klipschorns, the same speakers I have squeezed into the living room of my home and that started Classic Album Sundays. Needless to say, Klipsch is in my DNA. I am looking forward to learning more about the brand’s legendary history and spending time with like-minded Klipsch fans.”
More information about the Klipsch Pilgrimage can be found at Community.Klipsch.com.