CEMA is ready to launch an audio industry promotion program that includes direct mail to 250,000 households, a web site, and press kits for consumer media, including college newspapers, said a CEMA spokeswoman.
An audio promotion campaign was among the top recommendations of participants in the first annual audio industry summit sponsored by CEMA last spring. At the second summit planned for June 9-11 in Chicago, CEMA “will discuss some additional ideas we have,” the spokeswoman said.
The initial campaign, whose theme is “Audio is the soul of the system,” includes three mailings, each to the 250,000 households identified in research by their potential to buy home audio.
The first mailing is targeted for late May and will explain how home theater and its audio component help bring families together, CEMA said. The literature urges consumers to audition audio products at a store and lists manufacturers’ web sites and toll-free numbers for further information and dealer locations, as well as a number consumers can call to get a free CD-ROM bearing a home theater tutorial that includes tips on setting up a system.
In midsummer, CEMA will launch the audioweb.org site for consumers, retailers and the press. The site might include links to manufacturers and other information sources, the spokeswoman said. “We’re still developing plans on how to promote it.”
The planned press kits, due at the end of the second quarter, will feature information on new technology and product trends.