Audio manufacturers will gather next month in Chicago for CEMA’s second annual Audio Summit to explore new ways to restore vibrancy to the home audio industry.
The first summit, which attracted representatives of about 50 audio manufacturers, identified demographic segments with low home audio purchasing intent and the potential for selling to them. It also explored ways to extend audio’s appeal beyond serious music listeners.
The focus of this year’s June 9-11 summit is on getting the word out to consumers and will include discussions on new joint marketing initiatives between audio manufacturers and CEMA, said Joe Richter, Kenwood president and CEMA audio division chairman. Marketing experts speaking at the summit, Richter added, will help answer such questions as, “How can manufacturers communicate more effectively with their customers, and what can manufacturers do to create awareness for the audio experience in all its many forms?”
The marketing experts, said CEMA A/V division staff director Kerry Moyer, will “help manufacturers discover new approaches to communication that will reignite the industry.”
Day one’s speakers are Stephen Kraus of Yankelovich Partners addressing generational marketing, Sam Hill of Helios Consulting explaining concepts in his book Radical Marketing, and consultant Garth Hallberg on building brand loyalty and profits.
On day two, Susan Aldrich of the Patricia Seybold Group will discuss profitable Internet strategies. CEMA communications VP Jeff Joseph will explain how to conduct effective public relations campaigns, and ASL Management Resources’ Gary Warzin and Tony Gregory will outline how to build teams that turn ideas into action.
CEMA’s Moyer can be reached at (703) 907-7694.