Bellevue, Wash. – In another sign of intense competition among carriers, T-Mobile responded to Sprint’s new pricing initiatives by offering free unlimited LTE data for a year to T-Mobile Simple Choice subscribers who convince a Sprint, AT&T, or Verizon subscriber to switch to T-Mobile.
The person who switches also gets unlimited LTE data for a year.
T-Mobile Simple Choice customers who already have unlimited LTE get a $10 credit each month for a year.
The offer becomes available August 29.
T-Mobile also charged that Sprint’s new pricing initiatives, and other carriers, reserve their best offers “for everyone except their own customers.” The company also pointed out that Sprint’s changes eliminated unlimited LTE plans for families, though T-Mobile still offers them.
“It continues to amaze me to see the old carriers failing to listen to their customers−or reward them for their loyalty,” said T-Mobile president/CEO John Legere. “That arrogance and indifference has defined the U.S. wireless industry for too long.”
Said T-Mobile CMO Mike Sievert, “Only a ‘carrier’ would be arrogant enough to make an offer limited only to new prospects while forgetting their existing customers.”
Earlier this week, Sprint unveiled its Sprint Family Share Pack, promoted as offering double the high-speed data at the same or lower price than its three national rivals. The pack, available Aug. 22, replaces the Framily program that Sprint senior product VP David Owens admitted at a Tuesday press event was “hard for consumers to understand and compare.” The new plan, he said enables simpler comparisons with other carriers’ plans.
To go with the plan, Sprint is offering for a limited time to buy out the contracts of a family that switches to Sprint. The carrier will pay up to $350 via a Visa Prepaid Card. The switching offer will be available at Sprint stores and through Sprint telesales.