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Majaps’ Mixed Messages

A pair of key industry reports issued last month proffered divergent snapshots of the state of the appliance industry as it headed into spring...


A Cure For Those Fingerprint Blues

For countless parents and Felix Ungers out there, fingerprints are the bane of today’s stainless-steel and touchscreen-based kitchen. As any homemaker, appliance retailer or...


Whirlpool Earnings Flat In Q4

Despite a solid performance in North America, unfavorable currency fluctuations, acquisition-related transition costs and the impact of Brexit kept Whirlpool‘s fourth-quarter profits flat at...


Electrolux Selling Eureka

Electrolux is selling its venerable Eureka floor-care brand to China’s Midea Group for an undisclosed sum. Ola Nilsson, head of Electrolux Small Appliances, said...

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