The host of the evening, actor Neil Patrick Harris
“House Of Cards” star Kevin Spacey
“Sex In The City” star Sarah Jessica Parker
Handbag designer Monica Botkier
LG USA president William Cho
Fashion entrepreneur Lorenzo Martone with jewelry designer Jewels Kim
Fashion designer Rebecca Minkoff
Actor Neil Patrick Harris chats with digital artist and judge Mike Tribe
Soap star Kelly Rutherford and Liz Hopfan, executive director of Free Arts NYC
British soul singer Sam Smith
LG’s Tim Alessi shows off an LG 4K Ultra HD OLED TV
LG’s Dave VanderWaal
“The Art of the Pixel” winners and presenters from left: Mark Tribe, LG’s Tim Alessi and Dave VanderWaal, runner-up Joseph Bui, winner John Summerson, LG USA president William Cho and event ambassador Neil Patrick Harris.