ADL 2016 National Consumer Technology Industry Awards Tribute Gala Lisa Johnston ⋅ Published: November 14, 2016 This year’s ADL consumer tech industry honorees, from left: Jim Ristow, AVB/BrandSource; Warren Chaiken, Almo; Bill Crutchfield, Crutchfield; and Gene Chaiken, Almo Voxx International’s Pat Lavelle, left, with Dan Pidgeon of Starpower Past and present award winners included, from left: Warren Chaiken, Almo; Tim Baxter, Samsung; Gene Chaiken, Almo; Bill Crutchfield, Crutchfield; Gary Shapiro, CTA; John White and Jim Ristow, AVB/BrandSource; and Dave Workman, ProSource. World Wide Stereo’s Bob and Karen Cole with Samsung’s John Affriol NATM’s Jerry Satoren, left, with Tom Hickman of Nationwide Marketing Group Looking Sharp: Song Won Chon and husband Jae Park with Laurie and Jim Sanduski TWICE and NewBay Media VP/group publisher Ed Hecht with wife Debbie
CES Brand Strength, The Light That Guides: 2024-2025 Global Top Brands Awards Now Open For Registration
The Wire - Press Releases SKYWORTH’s Companion Portable™ Display Continues to Standout with the Red Dot Design and FUTURE’S Technology Innovation Awards