The Whistler Group recently
introduced a laser/radar detector meant for discreet
installation. It will be available in January for $479.
The PRO-3600 features a text display as well as a
voice module indicating all aspects of modes, alerts
and GPS-derived features. The system incorporates
an interface box mounted under the dash that allows
for additional modules to be connected, according to
Whislter, and a small display console, LED and voice
module are then added to complete the installation.
Other features include a Ka Max mode that reportedly
achieve the maximum performance from each
unit while the RSID (Radar Signature ID) mode allows
the user to know if the Ka signal is from one of
the common Ka band police radar guns by indicating
33.8, 34.0, 34.3, 34.7 and 35.5 or if it was a potential
false alert.
The Laser Signature ID (LSID) mode lets users identify
the pulses per second (PPS) rates and store the ones that may be caused by laser-based cruise control
systems and other non-speed enforcement sources of
laser, Whistler said, with stored PPS rates giving an
alternate alert that is less intrusive. Four user selectable
laser segments will also aid in ignoring false laser
alerts, such as those caused by Laser Assisted Cruise
Control systems found on some models offered by
Toyota, Lexus, Infinity and others, the company added.
The model has three aux ports, an optional laser
module, dedicated ports for an optional GPS module
and an optional rear radar/laser antenna.