Missoula, Mont. — Vann’s, an independent appliance and electronics multichannel retailer, is expanding its retail presence with a new outlet location here.
The product mix at the new location will include items from both the appliance and electronics realms. According to Rob Standley, the retailer’s multichannel marketing and merchandising director, the outlet will carry overstock, one-of-a-kind, discontinued, scratch and dent, and out-of-box merchandise. He said some of the products will be returns from Vanns.com, but that most will be “purchased directly from the manufacturer at a significant discount.”
The Outlet By Vann’s will have its grand opening on June 21. It is located at 1817 South Ave. West, Missoula, Montana.
“The outlet compliments Vann’s three other distinct business units, which include our six retail showrooms, Vanns.com and our custom installation services. We now have products and services for each market segment, and offer our customer base flexible, convenient shopping alternatives,” said George Manlove, president and CEO of the 46 year-old company.
Also notable, the release mentioned that the company is projecting that its nine-year-old Web site will contribute to more than 50 percent of all company sales for 2007.