TIBURON, CALIF. — Hardware upgrades and peripherals used for PC gaming remain strong in an otherwise declining market for PC marketing, according to a new study released by industry analysts Jon Peddie Research (JPR).
Ted Pollak, JPR senior gaming analyst, said the $21.5 billion PC gaming hardware market is more than twice the size of the console gaming hardware market.
“We continue to see a shift in casual console customers moving to mobile. While this is also occurring in the lower end PC gaming world, more money is being directed to mid- and high-range PC builds and upgrades by gamers.”
The firm said it has identified more investment in gaming-oriented designs and more money spent on advertising to this group as major companies evaluate their marketing and R&D budgets.
Jon Peddie, president of JPR, pointed out that some PC gaming systems will drive up to 3,840 by 2,160 (4K) resolution at acceptable frame rates at the highest end, as the mass market is now pushing 2,560 by 1,440 levels. This means PC gamers realize “millions and millions of pixels more than console gamers get on HDTVs,” delivering the ability to “see more and a better gaming experience.”