Mahwah, N.J. –
Monday it has filed patent infringement complaints with the U.S. International
Trade Commission against Taiwanese-based LCD panel manufacturer
and certain manufacturers using AUO
panels in finished TV products.
In two complaints, which were filed at the U.S. District Court
for Delaware, Sharp alleges that the LCD panels and LCD modules manufactured by
AUO, and any LCD televisions and monitors sold in the United States using AUO
panels, infringe Sharp LCD technology patents.
A Sharp spokesperson later listed TV vendors using AUO’s
panels as BenQ, Haier Group, LG Electronics, Sanyo Electronics, TCL and Vizio.
Several of the companies reached by TWICE yesterday declined to
comment on the action.
Sharp said it is seeking
an order prohibiting imports and sales of these products in the U.S. and
additional compensatory damages. AUO was listed as the only defendant.
Sharp said it intends to file additional lawsuits once it
confirms that other products incorporating AUO’s LCD panels or LCD modules
infringe its patents.