Osaka, Japan – Sharp Electronics reported a double-digit
increase in net sales and recorded a net profit for the nine months, ended Dec.
Net sales were 2.32 trillion yen, a 15 percent gain year on
year, and net income was 21.8 billion yen compared with the prior year-on-year
loss of 8.59 billion yen.
Sharp benefitted from the performance in its
consumer/information products segment with growth in demand for Aquos Quattron
LCDs, its 3D LCD TVs and, outside of the U.S. market, Blu-ray disc recorders.
Also the introduction of its open source operating system for mobile phones in
Japan and China was a positive, as well as its Galapagos business, which
integrates proprietary terminals and network services, with an e-bookstore
service as a first step.
Consumer/information products sales were 1,543.18 billion
yen for the nine months, a gain of 11.2 percent over the prior year. Operating
income was 65,644 billion yen, up a whopping 115.6 percent compared with the
prior year.