Tokyo –
said Monday that worldwide cumulative sales of its
PlayStation2 video game console reached the 150 million unit milestone
worldwide on Jan. 31, 2011, 12 years into the platform’s launch.
PlayStation2 features a library of more than 10,828 software
titles, and more than 1.52 billion units of PlayStation2 software have been
sold worldwide.
PlayStation2 was credited with delivering intuitive game play
through the Dualshock 2 controller and the Eye Toy USB camera, released in
The EyeToy Camera allows players to physically interact within
the game by having their images projected to the TV monitor in real time.
It also tracks the users’ hands or body movement for a new style
of game play.
PlayStation2 was also the first home computer entertainment
system to integrate DVD technology.
In its 12th year since launch, the PlayStation2 continues to
serve as the entertainment centerpiece in many living rooms and is strongly
supported in countries and regions, particularly in Eastern Europe, the Middle
East, Southeast Asia and South America, Sony said.