Kohler, Wisc. – Plumbing-fixture company Kohler introduced the Kohler-branded SoundTile speaker, designed with the aid of Polk Audio for installation in showers.
The price starts at a suggested $295/pair, depending on finish.
The shower speaker matches the shape, profile and finish of Kohler’s WaterTile bodysprays and showerheads. The waterproof, coaxial speaker is embedded in a 4-inch by 4-inch escutcheon with stainless- steel front grill to “substantially abate” water from entering the speaker area without impeding sound quality, the company said. A hole on the lower side of the escutcheon allows water to drain.
The speakers are available in pairs in a variety of finishes through Kohler’s distribution channels. It can be powered by any multiroom-audio system or home audio system.