New York – The six-month long fall off of PC sales continued in the third quarter with the research firms Gartner Dataquest and International Data Corp. stating, respectively, that sales were off 11.6 percent and 13.7 percent compared to the same period in 2000.
The weak PC market was aggravated by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks which helped push worldwide PC sales down to about 30 million for the quarter. This is the second consecutive quarter that PC sales fell.
Despite the harsh sales environment, number one PC seller Dell managed to further consolidate its worldwide position by gaining several percentage points of market share. Dataquest indicated Dell now has 13.8 percent of the worldwide market, while IDC’s figure is 14.5. Dell owns about one-quarter of the U.S. market.
The two firms remaining top five sellers were Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, Gateway and IBM.