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Netgear To Ship 802.11a/b/g Card

Netgear will ship an 802.11ba/b/g WAG511 Dual Band PC card in March.

Introduced last week, the WAG511 will have a $157 estimated street price. The card will give mobile computer users access to all three types of wireless networks, enabling them to move between different office environments and work in the wireless hot spots now cropping up across the United States, Netgear said.

The card will automatically recognize what wireless network is in use in a given area and then properly configure itself.

The company was able to roll out the WAG511 due to the passage by the IEEE approval of the 802.11g wireless standard 6.1, which solidifies the hardware aspect of the specification. Netgear believes any firmware changes that takes place prior to the standards final approval can be handled through a software patch.

