Dallas – The MARTA Cooperative of America, the $1.2 billion affiliate of the Brand Source/AVB buying organization, told dealers gathered at its annual spring meeting here last month that its period of member attrition has ended, and that the group is now more financially sound than ever.
“At this time the ‘right sizing’ is complete and MARTA is poised to grow and prosper in the future” said Bob Thompson, newly named managing director. Thompson noted that lower operating expenses have permitted a reduction in dues while the range of member services and benefits has increased.
In his opening remarks, board chairman John Rice of DeSears acknowledged that while 2006 was a year of transition as MARTA partnered with Brand Source, much was accomplished, leaving the group leaner and stronger than before.
Treasurer Michael Fischer of Nielsen’s next provided an in-depth financial review that demonstrated MARTA’s solid financial footing. His reported concluded that the 2006 transition made MARTA more financially secure than ever before and positioned it for future growth, the group said.
To underscore MARTA’s growth prospects, Thompson noted that the board is currently considering three new membership applications.
The Scottsdale, Ariz.-based buying group was founded in 1965 and currently represents over 400 storefronts.