LG Electronics, which has intermittently
shown appliances in the past at International CES,
is dedicating “a significant area” to smart- and energyefficient
white goods with remote diagnostic features
in its Central Hall exhibit space at booth 8205.
On hand are an array of new product introductions
in cooking, refrigeration and laundry, LG’s public affairs
and communications VP John Taylor told TWICE,
which are integrated into demonstrations of smart-grid
technology and energy-management solutions that
allow consumers to
monitor their power
consumption via TV
or mobile phone.
Laundry products
on display include the
company’s front-load
SteamWasher, which
uses six separate
cleaning motions, and
the top-load Wave-series
washer that uses
rapid drum movement
and powerful water
jets for superior performance
without an
Both incorporate LG’s SmartDiagnosis troubleshooting
feature, also shared with Sears’ Kenmore
line, which allows the machines to
“talk” to customer service experts over
the phone using a series of diagnostic
tones. Consumers calling the LG customer
service center are instructed to
press select buttons on the laundry unit,
which in turn trigger a series of sounds.
Each tone corresponds with a specific
potential maintenance need that can be
identified over the phone – helping to
limit costly, inconvenient service calls.
In cooking, LG is showing its new
double-oven range with a total capacity
of 6.7 cubic feet. Two separate
ovens – including a 6-inch-tall upper
oven – allow consumers to cook different
dishes at different temperatures.
The model also features an
infrared heating element that enables
the oven to reach broil temperature more
quickly and reduces cooking time by 30
percent for popular items like hamburgers
and chicken breasts.
In refrigeration, LG is introducing the
four-door ultra-capacity LMX28994,
whose top freezer drawer can be used
as extra refrigerator space if needed. The
Converta drawer can operate at various
temperatures, including a Soft Freeze
setting to safely thaw meat and poultry,
providing consumers extra flexibility.
The unit can accommodate 53 gallons
of milk thanks to the Converta drawer and
the in-door (vs. top shelf) placement of
the icemaker. In addition, the fridge features
a linear compressor that can vary
output depending on need to reduce
temperature swings and achieve an energy
efficiency rating that is 20 percent
above the minimum federal standard.