Elkhart, Ind. –
Harman High Performance AV (HPAV) has partnered with online marketing
to support its
dealers with a new online local marketing program.
The Netsertive
Local Extend program is an exclusive service that places co-branded online
advertising into local markets throughout the U.S. and connects consumers to
their local HPAV dealers for Mark Levinson, Revel, JBL Synthesis and Lexicon.
Netsertive’s Local
Extend uses proprietary “learning-engine” technology to direct online consumers
to their local dealer. When a person visits a website showing an HPAV ad, the
ad automatically configures itself to display information about the local HPAV
dealer, along with a link to the dealer’s website, Harman said.
The Local Extend
process can be implemented on ads on a wide variety of relevant websites
including enthusiast, trade, product review and technology sites as well as
blogs, online forums and other outlets. HPAV’s program with Netsertive will
target such markets as luxury living, business, and A/V media with
advertisements on sites for media outlets such as DuPont Registry, The New York
Times and Home Entertainment.
“Local Extend is
an effective way of connecting our dealers with consumers in their area, and makes
it easier for people to find out where they can audition and purchase HPAV
products,” noted Jim Garrett, market manager, Harman HPAV. “Our partnership
with Netsertive reflects our commitment to providing our dealers with marketing
support tools that enhance their online presence, bring them qualified
customers and help drive sales.”