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German Car Audio Co. Launches in U.S.

Obrigheim, Germany — A new brand of German high-performance car audio products is launching in the U.S. under the name German Maestro.

The brand is offered by Maestro Badenia, led by the managers of the original MB Quart at the time “when that brand enjoyed significant market share … and a loyal consumer following,” said the company.

Maestro Bedenia plans to ship products in December 2008 and is targeting specialty retailers with a focus on customer service.  Further details on the company are expected in the next 10 days.

“While the American staff has not yet been solidified, we are quite confident that we will engage with business veterans who understand mobile electronics, business principles and how to build a brand with a purposeful long term approach,” said Maestro Badenia managing director Thomas Sauer. He added, “There are probably better economic circumstances under which the launch of a brand might be contemplated, however German Maestro is confident the business plan under which it will attack will attract the attention of the market place.”

German Maestro will be headquartered in Southern California. Early product information may be viewed at

