Arlington, Va. – Consumer confidence in the overall economy
is at a four-year high, according to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)
Index of Consumer Expectations (ICE).
The CEA ICE hit 177.3 in January, up almost four points from
December and two points higher than January 2011. The ICE measures consumer
expectations about the broader economy.
“Overall sentiment continues to improve as the ICE has
rebounded since reaching an all-time low in November,” said Shawn DuBravac, the
CEA’s chief economist and research director. “Sentiment has improved by more
than 13 percent in the past two months, which is a hopeful sign of consumer
expectations for recovery in 2012.”
However, consumer confidence specifically in technology fell
in January to 88, according to the CEA Index of Consumer Technology
Expectations. This measures consumer expectations on technology spending. It is
down 5.5 points from December, but is in line with normal consumer attitudes
toward spending on tech that follow the holiday selling season.