Indianapolis – Randy Stearns has succeeded the late Randy Vaughan
as chairman of the Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association
Stearns, a principal of Alameda, Calif.-based custom integrator
Engineered Environments, has served on the CEDIA board of directors since 2005
and has been an active member of the trade group since 1993.
“Randy’s contributions to the industry and CEDIA have been
instrumental in affecting positive change and association growth over the
years,” said past CEDIA chairman Ken Erdmann. “He has served on many
committees, councils and action teams, and is a perfect fit for the leadership
role of CEDIA chairman.”
Stearns’ service with CEDIA encompasses a wide range of duties,
including Industry Outreach Council chair, Expo chair, treasurer, best
practices action team member, instructor, subject matter expert and finance committee
member. He most recently served as vice chairman for the board of directors.
His company, a member of the Home Technology Specialists of
America (HTSA) buying organization, is one of the largest electronic systems
contracting businesses in the U.S., CEDIA said, and has won multiple accolades
in CEDIA’s Electronic Lifestyles Awards competition, which showcases CEDIA
members’ best work in categories ranging from home theater to whole-house
“Stearns’ diverse CEDIA background and business expertise is a powerful
asset to have as CEDIA chairman,” said CEDIA CEO Utz Baldwin. “We are
proud to have him serve in this role and look forward to kicking the year off
under his leadership.”
Stearns appointment as chairman becomes effective immediately.