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CEA To Hold HDTV Summit In D.C

Arlington, Va. — Congressman Fred Upton (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, will deliver the opening keynote at the upcoming HDTV Summit: Partnership, Policy and Profits on March 29 at the Washington D.C. Convention Center.

The ninth annual HDTV Summit, sponsored by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), will also feature a panel of industry leaders. Panel members are Eddie Fritts, president and CEO of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB); Robert Sachs, president and CEO of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA); and CEA president and CEO Gary Shapiro.

The three will share their insights on the competition and cooperation that has occurred over the past two years since Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Michael Powell issued his voluntary DTV plan, and will discuss the road ahead. Government leaders from the FCC and various congressional offices, in addition to key representatives of the broadcast, cable, satellite and consumer electronics industries round out the seminal HDTV conference, CEA said.

Also included in the program is a report from CEA industry analysis director Sean Wargo, who will present new digital television (DTV) research data. A panel on HDTV consumer education will be moderated by Philadelphia Inquirer staff writer Jonathan Takiff. Panelists include Bryan Burns, strategic business planning and development VP, ESPN; Mark Cuban, chairman/president, HDNet; Ken Ferree, FCC media bureau chief; Samuel Goldstein, director/producer of Capital Region Broadcasters/WRGB; and Jim Barry, national spokesperson for CEA.

CEA technology policy VP Michael Petricone moderates 2006 — A Spectrum Odyssey. His panelists include Hillary Brill, legislative counsel to Congressman Rick Boucher (D-Va); Rick Chessen, FCC DTV task force chairman and associate chief of the media bureau; Gregg Rothschild, minority counsel to the U.S. House Commerce Committee; Paul Martino, counsel to the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee; and Rob Stien, legislative aide to Congressman Lee Terry (R-Neb).

The 2003 Academy of Digital Television Pioneers Awards luncheon is included in HDTV Summit registration and will follow the morning conference program. Nominees from 14 DTV Award categories will be recognized for their outstanding achievements in the advancement of HDTV throughout 2003, and award winners will be announced during an exhilarating high definition production.

The HDTV Summit and the Academy of Digital Television Pioneers Awards luncheon will be taped in high-definition by the all-HD network, HDNet. A compilation segment will air on HDNet during April and May.

